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Code Documentation

This document provides an overview of the code structure and explanation of the code in the FastSearch project.



  • Lexer: This struct is used for lexical analysis of the input. It holds a reference to a slice of characters (content) which it operates on. The struct and its fields are only accessible within the current crate.
    pub(crate) struct Lexer<'a> {
        pub(crate) content: &'a [char],


- tf(t: &str, d: &TermFreq) -> f32:

This function calculates the term frequency (tf) of a given term t in a document represented by the TermFreq data structure. It returns the tf value as a floating-point number. If the term t is not found in the TermFreq data structure, it returns 0.

- idf(t: &str, d: &TermFreqIndex) -> f32:

This function calculates the inverse document frequency (idf) of a given term t in a collection of documents represented by the TermFreqIndex data structure. It returns the idf value as a floating-point number. The idf value is calculated based on the total number of documents in the collection (N) and the number of documents that contain the term t (M). If M is 0, it is set to 1 to avoid division by zero. The idf value is calculated using the logarithm base 10.

- tf_index_of_folder(dir_path: &Path, tf_index: &mut TermFreqIndex) -> Result<(), ()>:

This function is used to index the contents of a folder and populate a term frequency index (tf_index) with the term frequencies of the files in the folder. It takes two parameters: dir_path, which is the path to the folder to be indexed, and tf_index, which is a mutable reference to the term frequency index.


  • dir_path - The path to the folder to be indexed.
  • tf_index - A mutable reference to the term frequency index (TermFreqIndex).

- save_tf_index(tf_index: &TermFreqIndex, index_path: &str) -> Result<(), ()>:

This function saves the term frequency index (tf_index) to a file specified by index_path. It returns a Result indicating whether the operation was successful or not.


  • tf_index - A reference to the term frequency index (TermFreqIndex) to be saved.
  • index_path - The path to the file where the index will be saved.

Type Definitions:

  • TermFreq:

    pub(crate) type TermFreq = HashMap<String, usize>;
  • TermFreqIndex:

    pub(crate) type TermFreqIndex = HashMap<PathBuf, HashMap<String, usize>>;